How you can support us
Quality is not free. If a product it's free, it's because you're the product!
Let's see what happens at Facebook or Google: Web giants providing services for free but let your imagination run free and guess what is their source of income!
Right! The sale of your personal data!
AnoniCloud keeps your data confidentials and safe, but to accomplish it's mission need real money, to hire professionals, buy servers and pay bills.
Your help is essentials

Help us coding and testing
Do you believe in personal privacy? Do you trust in a free web? Do you have been initiated to the art of coding?
We need Swift, Kotlin, C# and Go programmers!
We need also people that test our public beta! Checkout at the download page!

Help us translate
Want to read AnoniCloud website in your language?
Want to let other users to use AnoniCloud apps in your language or in a language you know well?
Leave us a line and you'll receive the textes to translate!

Help us donating money
Everyone would like a more supportive world, but we have to look at reality as it is: The world is run by money and AnoniCloud is not an exception; as long as we can't rely on a commercial level service, your donation is essential! See below for more.
Want to be in business with us? Leave us a line!

Siete in Ticino o in Mesolcina e volete investire su di noi, finanziariamente, con mezzi o mettendoci a disposizione spazi uso ufficio? Scriveteci! e valuteremo con estremo interesse la vostra offerta di partnership!

Thank you!
If you have read this far it means that you believe in what we do and you are interested in contributing! Very good!
Here it is how we use your donations:

To work full time
(Yes... really full time!)
Until now we invested our spare time to make our dream come true: Providing an inviolable and anonymous informations storage solution to the connected community!
Our dream growth significantly in the last month, but to make a real quantum leap we need to work full time on it!
This is why we're looking for your support!

More computing power
As AnoniCloud users base grow, more storage space is needed, that need more computing power, that need more hardware, that need more rackspace, that need a bigger data center!
All this needs more money to keep the same (or even bigger) quality level!
We plan to bring a triple redundancy storing your data on next months!
What do you think if this triple redundancy is spread across three data centers in three different locations?

More people, more ideas
Nowaday IT world uses several tools to reach a formally easy goal.
Behind the simple data storage, plenty of technologies are used, so plenty of specialists are needed to keep them working at the best, to keep them grows and provide support the customer expect!
We plan in the next years to hire system administrators, Apple and Android developers, frontend and backend developers, data base specialists, cryptographers, cryptoanalists, customer support, testers, translators, user experience and user interface specialists, visual and communication designers, ...
Now is your time!
Now is your time to contribute to make internet a better, safer and private place!
Also few USD, EUR, CHF, [monetary unit] makes the difference!
(Obviously we accept cryptocurrencies!)

Donate with PayPal

Donate Bitcoins

Donate Monero